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Equiventia is part of the Equity & Venture Capital area and was conceived by a team of Italian managers from multinationals and international financial companies with long-term and consolidated experience in business development and business management.

Equiventia acts as general advisor for start-up companies and SMEs, supporting them with a wide range of services and skills. But Equiventia is also a new investment vehicle whose operational strategy is to proceed with targeted investments in start-up or industrial initiatives of any kind, through minority shareholdings, launching them on the international market and supporting them with its own managerial and management structures. competence.

Equiventia's ultimate goal is to select the most interesting investment opportunities and be a reliable and efficient partner for innovative Italian SMEs, giving its Members and Partners the opportunity to invest in a well-diversified and secure medium-term portfolio of companies. .

The sectors of our particular interest are: Digital / IT, Mobility (Smart Cities), Renewable Energy, Environmental Sustainability, Advanced Technologies and Materials. Occasionally we also operate on request in "non-core" sectors such as Medical & Life Sciences, Food, Fashion, Luxury, Wellness, Real Estates, Art.

Energy & Sustainability

  • Renewable Energies
  • Hydrogen & Biofuels
  • Recovery & Re-use Tecnologies
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Agritech

Sustainable Mobility

  • Smart Cities
  • BEV & FCEV Mobility
  • Recharging Infrastructures
  • Battery Swapping
  • Automotive Concept & Design

Industry & Advanced Materials

  • Industrial Productions
  • Carbon Fiber
  • Robotics & Automation
  • Innovative Technologies
  • Research & Development


  • Integrated Platforms
  • AR/VR Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber Security
  • Fintech

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